Why .life?

What brings you life?

That’s kind of a fun question to consider when you’re sitting among friends. It’s also a great question to ask yourself when considering your work, your recreation and your faith.

I’ve pondered that question a number of times. Interesting answers come to me when I ask that question.

Family time. — Active time to be outside. — Time to be alone while in motion as God speaks. — Problem solving. — Equipping people facing tough challenges. — Celebrating success and working through disappointment.

Most often in my experiences, problem solving happened with churches and non-profit organizations – usually with leadership groups, often made up people who worked in the business realm. Here’s what I’ve discovered in working with people and organizations.

People will sacrifice a lot and give much of themselves to pursue what brings life.

So, when I felt called to start this coaching and project-based leadership group, I started with two concepts: Leading Up and Bringing Life.

Pursuing, equipping and being a healthy leader brings me life. Helping organizations and leadership teams grow in healthy leadership as they navigate and lead through challenges brings me life. Helping churches with projects that are beyond their staff capabilities or will take the pastor(s) or staff off mission brings me life. All of these give me an opportunity to lead up with my own skills.

 So here are a couple of things for you to consider today.

  1. Make a list of things that bring you life and pursue them.

  2. If there is something in your life, ministry or work that is sucking the life out of you…let’s talk.


Why LeadUp Coaching?