Why LeadUp Coaching?
I’ve always been interested in leadership…even before I really had a name for my interest. I was on sports teams when I was younger. Captains were chosen – sometimes just rotated, but sometimes for a season – and I wondered why certain people were chosen. I watched leadership success happen for some people without obstacles. I watched others regularly overcome obstacles in pursuit of leadership success. It didn’t make a lot of sense to me.
I’ve spent the last 20 years or so unpacking leadership with mentors, friends and even in academia in pursuit of a PhD. While there is a lot to be learned and talked about in leadership, two particular observations seem clear to me.
Everyone has the capacity and is called to lead.
Some people are in a season where they only lead themselves. But even a person taking responsibility for herself as an individual is leading. Other individuals lead a small group or a team. Others lead larger groups – sometimes regional, national or international teams. You get the idea. Whether a person leads herself as an individual or has extended influence in large circles, everyone has the capacity and is called to lead.
Everyone has a choice to lead up or lead down.
Whoever a person is leading and whatever their circle of leadership, that person has a choice. A person can either lead up or lead down. He can be part of the movement toward a life-giving future or he can be the drag that sucks the life out of something. Whether a person is leading only him or herself or leading some group of people, leadership adds value when it leads up and is life-giving. Leadership that leads down is of no value.
LeadUp Coaching is about helping people lead up. If you’re in a place where you lead – whether it’s yourself and/or others – let’s talk.